Sébastien Laurent

Born in 1983 in La Louvière, Belgium
Lives and works in Mons, Belgium

CV Sébastien Laurent Fr

CV Sébastien Laurent EN


Doctoral education in arts and art sciences / First year accomplished

Master's degree in Cultural Management (applied cultural management specialisation) at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, ULB.

Master's degree in Art History (general orientation) at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, ULB.

Graduate in Plastic, Visual and Room Arts (Visual Communication specialisation) at the École Supérieure des Arts Plastiques et Visuels (ESAPV) in Mons.

Agregation for higher secondary education.

Work Experience / Jobs

Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hiker (may 14th - september 14th)

Audience development coordinator, , museum of contemporary art, MAC's Grand Hornu

Facilitator guide, art historian, museum of contemporary art, MAC's Grand Hornu
Reporting article in the journal "Dits"

Member of the editorial board of the journal 50°Nord

Coordinator of the symposium "In a certain disorder, assembled. "MAC's, 14/02/2012-15/02/2012, Grand Hornu, Belgium

Art teacher in the higher secondary education.
"The aesthetic philosophy: from the project to overrun", International Symposium, University of Lausanne (UNIL), Switzerland, 2/24/2011 to 2/25/2011

Facilitator guide, Mundaneum
Facilitator guide, le Manège.Mons
Assistant at the Artiscope Gallery, Brussels.
Art history teacher in the higher secondary education.
Participation in the international conference « L'art en Valeurs », Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 28-30/04/2010

Employee at the WCC-BF, secretary for the European Prize for Applied Arts jury.

Trainee then extra employee at the Emmanuel Perrotin Gallery, Paris, various activities.

Trainee at the Mundaneum

Carrying out of technical forms for the CHU Brugmann medical personnel

Organisation of the « Hainaut soit qui bien y pense » exhibition at the Grand Hornu Images in collaboration with the Concordet Picardie ASBL circle.

Work experience at the regional television Télé MB (Mons).

Various Activities

Chairman of the regional section of the Alumni Union (UAE) of ULB

Participation in various exhibitions, prizes, workshops in the visual arts
Creation of various posters for student activities, creation of logos for various associations.

Graphic designer of the Université Libre de Bruxelles cultural agenda.
Committee member of a student folk circle (ISIM'S Mons).

Chairman of the students council and member of the educational council and of the social council at the ESAPV.

Students council treasurer and ESAPV visual communication option council chairman.

Unecof vice-chairman (Union des Étudiants de la Communauté Française) for the higher art education
Higher council member of the french-speaking Community higher art education

Member of the Education House at the Education and Training Council

Organiser of the art students festival « Baz-Art » at Caserne Fonck in Liège.

Computer knowledge

Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Première / Microsoft Office


English, spanish, Dutch (learning in progress)

Selective Biography


"Expo porno", Espace Allende, du 18 octobre au 22 décembre 2018
"L'amour tout cru", espace Saint-Mengold, Huy du 8 mars au 8 avril 2018


Résidence d'artiste, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles.
Centre culturel d'Ath du 25 novembre 2016 au 25 février 2017


"Tout n'est peut-être pas réglé" du 13 février au 20 mars, Centre culturel l'Écrin, Eghezée.
Centre culturel de Marche-en-Famenne du 26 septembre au 10 novembre 2016
"You Porn?" du 5 novembre au 5 décembre 2016, galerie Levy-Delval, Ixelles, du 5 novembre au 5 décembre.


" CartoGraphic ", Chapelle de Boondael, Ixelles
FIFA du 21 au 27 février, Mons
Pixel Festival le 26 février au MICX, Mons
le Vecteur, du 4 au 20 mars à Charleroi
Art Truc TRoc, du 16 au 18 janvier 2015, Bozar Bruxelles


Expo solo, "La nuit blanche", Arts², Mons, du 24/04 au 25/05/2014
Expo solo, Maison de l’UAE, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles du 25/04 au 16/05/2014
Expo solo, Galerie des collines, Vaucelles, à partir du 17/10, dates à confirmer
"Festival BAM!", la Roche-En-Ardenne, du 12/09 au 21/09/2014
"Destinations improbables", Musée Ianchelevici, La Louvière, du 21/06 au 31/08/2014
"Jour & Nuit de l’Architecture ", Tournai, 19avril 2014
"Espace livre & création", Foire du Livre de Bruxelles, Tour & taxis, du 20 au 24/02/2014
"Art Truc Troc", Palais des Bozar, Bruxelles
"Atlas subjectif du Hainaut", Espace Wallonie, Bruxelles


Expo solo, Maison du Hainaut from 19/04 to 10/05, Charleroi" Prix du Hainaut 2013", au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tournai, Tournai
"Chapa last party", au bateau Ivre, performance le 4 avril, Mons


"A Monkey Life", la Maison de Papier, from 4/10 to 25/11/2012, Mons
"Slick Art Fair", at Anversville gallery's booth, from 20 to 22/04/2012 2012, Brussels
"Book & creation space", booth 114 at the Brussels's book fair, Tour & Taxis, 01/03/2012 to 05/03/2012
"Magasin d'usine", Anversville gallery. From 10/12/2011 to 18/02/2012. Wolstraat 33, Antwerp

"Le Modèle" as part of the exhibition "le Modèle a bougé" at BAM from 11/11 to 27/11/2011
5th Armorican Biennial of Contemporary Art, Saint Brieuc France
exhibition "Charleroi 1911-2011 Mail Art"
International Exhibition of books realized by children "Motamo" with Florence Gilmont, Athénée Provincial de La Louvière, Belgium
XXth price of engraving and print image, Engraving and print image center, La Louvière, Belgium
107th show of Le Bon Vouloir (art group), Grande Halle des Anciens Abattoirs, BAM, Mons, Belgium
"The aesthetic philosophy: from the project to overrun", International Symposium, University of Lausanne (UNIL), Switzerland
XIIIeme Triennale of political posters, Mundaneum, Mons, Belgium

Selected for the 13th International Prize for the Political Poster, Mons
Participation in the international conference « L'art en Valeurs », Université catholique de Louvain.
« Ex Voto Saint Donat », Koma gallery, Mons, Belgium.
Cellules Galerie(s), 58 rue des Capucins, 7000 Mons, Belgium.
Evening reading "The Monomotapa" organized by Alain Regnier - AR Editions, Centre de la Gravure

Creation of various posters, logos, instalments, books for various associations.

Setting up of artists' rooms at the Dour festival

Participation in the exhibition « Young Creators 2006 » at the ESAPV, Mons.

Participation in the exhibition « Artisan’art » at the Bains Douches cultural hall, Mons

Participation in the exhibition « Tam-Tam,100 créations d’artistes autour d’un tabouret » at the Grand Hornu Images.

Participation in the Troll Map workshop of the « Troll Protocol », in collaboration with the Atelier Wunderschön Peplum (AWP), exhibited in Brussels, Helsinki, Tokyo, Chicago, Copenhagen, Paris, Marrakesh, Taipei, Rome, Istanbul, Barcelona.

Participation in the exhibition « Baz-Art » at the Caserne Fonck, Liège.

Participation in the NetDays Wallonia-Brussels, collective video « Your look at the city », selected for the city of Mons. Movie directed in collaboration with Andy Craps.

Participation in BiFi ReEvolution. Selected for the city of Mons.

Participation in the exhibition « Please tell me about Yougoslavia » at the Librairie Agora of the Halles forum (Louvain-La-Neuve).

Illustration and text for the book « Rue Clerc », R.A. Editions.

Participation in the exhibition « Democracies under constructions » at the Centre didactique de l’eau, Seneffe.
Award-winner of the MET operation « Two thousands words for Peace ».


"La Confession", Nicolas Boukhrief, 2015. Maquisard